Gold Price $4362.40/ozt
24k Gold Items $132.96/g
18k Gold Items $99.72/g
9k Gold Items $49.86/g

Gold Valuation

Calculate the value of your gold using our sophisticated gold valuation tool. This gold valuation tool uses real-time gold prices to calculate the return you’ll get for your gold. If you know how much your gold weighs and it’s purity simply enter the values into the form below to receive an instant estimation of how much your gold is worth.

Once you’re done, simply call our gold exchange hotline on 1300 88 79 02 for your nearest gold broker or click here to locate your nearest gold broker online.

Estimated Price*

If you are happy with the above estimated price, click here to locate your nearest gold broker where you can sell it for a similar price.

* Actual price may vary basied on broker location, time and on-site valuation of items. Please speak to your broker for more information.